Has it really been a whole year since I posted about my sculpture “Destroy Create Repeat” ? It sometimes feels like a dream, a very bad dream that has distorted my sense of time.
I haven’t had it so bad, my work is here at home and my etsy shop was doing enough business to keep me busy. Even so, I occasionally thought “I think I’ll go …” next thought “No you won’t” frustrating.
I delivered “Destroy Create Repeat” to the Ohio Craft Museum in Columbus OH! The show will go on!! The dates are May 10 – July 11, 2021 at 1665 W Fifth Ave Columbus 43212.
There will be a closing reception Sunday July 11 from 1-4pm. Then the show will go on the road to the Mansfield Art Center in Mansfield, Ohio from August 15- September 12, 2021.

A custom made box with lots of instructions and photos help the gallery get the work from one place to another safely.