Let me start by admitting that the reason I work alone is because I am a diva. Well that felt good, but of course any one who knows me knows that’s no secret. But the Diva that I refer to here is that little black cat, Liz. If you’ve been keeping up you’ll know that the little………… cat …………………. sorry I was trying to come up with some PG adjectives for her. I failed.
Long story short, she’s been confined to my studio during the daylight hours for the sake of the Hummingbirds and Barn Swallows.
She doesn’t seem to mind. In fact I usually have to wake her up and kick her out at night.
I decided to try and exploit her for some photos of my little cat food dishes. Anyone who’s ever hosted a cat knows that they are the masters of exploitation, so try to stop laughing long enough to see the results. I started by offering food, the good stuff!
She made quick work of the food and moved on.
Well, after a snack and a bath she was bored with the whole thing, and sauntered off. I kept shooting the pottery and just as I was finishing up, she waltzed back onto my table and settled in for a nap. So I started putting dishes in front of her and clicked away with my camera, and after all that I got my picture.
If you’d like an autographed copy just contact me.