The featured image above is the green man that inspired a custom order. The customer requested a happier visage, most of my guys look somewhat stony. I did do a winking green man many years ago I’ll try to dig up a pic before I finish this post (it was taken in my pre digital days). Most of the green man facial features are limited to eyes, nose and mouth. I often spend time working a dimple or crease only to have it disappear under the leaves. I still do all the foundation work because it defines the lines that I will follow later.

When I do a custom order I usually make at least two, the fire goddess can be cruel. This is contestant number one for my customer to choose from. He is larger, has darker green glaze because of the thickness of the glaze. I think he looks like he has just gotten a joke or he is about to tell one. The next three photos show close ups of him showing the definition in the leaves.

Contestant number two is a little smaller, and a little more triangular in shape. The glaze gets thinner in some spots and lets the leafy details shine through. I poured this glaze onto the piece while I was holding it over a bucket to catch the overflow. I used the same procedure for both, but the results vary because it is very difficult to see the different thicknesses until the piece is fired.

As you compare the two green men consider that I hand form each face. I think there is a strong family resemblance mostly in my magnificent noses but they come by it honestly. I will end this post with a gallery of green men and women that I have made. enjoy

Greenwoman with matte copper glaze and all Maple leaves

one of my early Greenmen with a matte green glaze

the first Greenman with multiple green stains fired on

Bacchus with stains, no glaze

Another custom order from Decadent Greenman

Scarred Woman

Bacchus with light green glaze and red grapes

Sacred Oak Greenman with all oak leaves showing the four directions in a light green glaze

Paw Paw leaf Sun Greenman

Winking Greenman