Here are a few pictures of my new work. I started experimenting with slumped glass a little over a year ago. It all came about because Meigs county OH no longer recycles glass of any kind and the powers that be will not even entertain the thought of a bottle bill. Being an avid recycler since the early 70’s I literally could not throw out something so easily recyclable.
After viewing an online how to video I realized I could create my own clay molds to slump the glass. I grabbed all the bisque ware I had, broke up a bunch of bottles filled my “molds” and started firing.
Naturally nothing worked out the way I planned (if that ever happens I will be pretty sure I’m dead) but the results were very interesting and spurred me on to continue the experimentation. I quickly learned that the edges are razor sharp, invested in a variety of gloves, and carried on. A few people have suggested that I should soften the edges but quite frankly that is my favorite part.
Eventually I decided to mount the slumped glass in clay bases. I use either a white stoneware or a beautiful dark red/brown clay with black specks called Nelsonville Pottery clay by Columbus Clay Co to recreate the starbrick clay used to make bricks that are still in use today in Nelsonville’s streets and sidewalks. The work quickly took on the look of trees, flowers and fish. I plan to exhibit my “Silica based Life Forms” in the window of Starbrick Clay Art Studio at the September Final Friday in Nelsonville on September 27. It will remain up for a month, if you’re in the area check it out, if you’re not it’s worth the trip